100% Recyclable
Ergonomic Products Designed for You, Your Pet and...the Environment
Our products are ergonomically designed for today's pets as well as to be earth friendly, recyclable and bio-degradable, so they breakdown quickly, and contribute to the environment and never harm our planet.
Our Products
100% Sustainable
Many Ecological Advantages Compared to Plastic Products.
The average American throws away over 110 Lbs. of single-use plastic products annually. BPets products are manufactured with non-toxic, chemical-free materials that are designed to decompose to prevent the accumulation of waste in landfills.
Our Products
100% Earth Friendly
Innovative, Eco-Friendly Products that Protect our Planet's Future.
B-Pets products combine practicality with protecting our environment. Our 100% non-toxic and chemical free products are eco-friendly and designed to be used and recycled. By using the natural biodegradable properties of paper pulp, our ergonomically designed products breakdown quickly and naturally so they will never harm the planet.
Our Products